Monday, February 3, 2025

The Spirit of Christ

O God, the Eternal Father, we ask thee in the name of thy Son, Jesus Christ, to bless and sanctify this bread to the souls of all those who partake of it, that they may eat in remembrance of the body of thy Son, and witness unto thee, O God, the Eternal Father, that they are willing to take upon them the name of thy Son, and always remember him and keep his commandments which he has given them; that they may always have his Spirit to be with them. Amen. 

On Sunday during the sacrament prayer, the words "have his Spirit to be with them" really took on a new light for me. Usually when I think of remembering Him so that his Spirit will be with me, I'm thinking of the Holy Ghost being bestowed upon me because of my dedication, worthiness, righteousness, or something---like it's an external thing given to me. However, on Sunday, for some reason, I started thinking of the spirit of Christ not in the sense of capitalized Spirit as in the Holy Ghost, but as in lowercase spirit, kind of like school spirit. 

If you go to a school and you have "school spirit," you reflect something from that school: its enthusiasm, its energy, something. It comes from you; you share it. At my daughter's school they say: "It's a great day to be a mustang," which shows their excitement and friendliness.

So what is the spirit of Christ? Perhaps it's peace, kindness, love, charity, not contentious. . . envieth not, is not puffed up, is not easily provoked, rejoiceth not in iniquity (those things in 1 Cor 14). When we remember Him, we carry His spirit with us and spread it to others. He is reflected in our countenances. 

I'm not saying we're not given the gift of the actual Holy Ghost when we remember Jesus through our baptismal covenant and sacrament, because I believe doctrinally we are; but, perhaps part of it also is that when we merely remember Him in our thoughts, actions, and lives, we emanate His light because it is always with us in the front of our minds. With that, we reflect it and share it with others. We can even think, "It's a great day to be a peacemaker; it's a great day to love like Jesus; it's a great day to not easily be provoked."