Friday, April 15, 2011

More on Modesty

I wish I had time to further develop this thought here, but here are three points to drop into my modesty/chastity file.  Enjoy:

1. 195 Dresses:

2.  From a LAF/Beautiful Womanhood review of the movie Soul Surfer:

Mom, I don’t understand. Parents tell their daughters they’re supposed to dress modestly, and then they go crazy over this movie [Soul Surfer}, proving that modesty isn’t really all that important to them. It’s like girls at church are supposed to be modest, but it’s OK for boys at church to watch girls who are practically naked, as long as it’s in a movie. Modesty is either important or it’s not. If boys aren’t moved by a girl in a bikini, then what are they moved by? And why do I have to dress modestly?

3.  From President Monson's talk at the Priesthood Session of General Conference, April 2011:

Many movies and television shows portray behavior which is in direct opposition to the laws of God. Do not subject yourself to the innuendo and outright filth which are so often found there.


Amanda said...

I loved the video you posted. Thank you.

Michelle said...

"It seems, too often, Hollywood uses Christians for free marketing. If they can produce a movie that shows enough flesh to sell in the secular market, all they have to do is convince the Christians that it has a godly message and we’ll find a way to excuse the immodesty."

From the LAF article...this describes what I have been thinking about in relation to the Book of Mormon musical. It is hard for me not to feel that the focus on Mormons in the title and story line is a vehicle to distract from all the other garbage that is reportedly in the play. So you could plug in vulgarity, blasphemy, sexuality, discrimination for immodesty and I think this statement could apply to that play as well.

Jocelyn Christensen said...

wow, that was an awesome video...interesting comments from your daughter. I haven't seen the movie or even a commercial for it, but I know that feeling...mixed messages!

Emily said...

Oh Michelle, speaking of that BoM musical, did you read the Michael Otterson article in the Washington Post?

I really liked his response to that musical. It's unnerving to me that so few people say how rude it is, no matter what religion or group it is representing. Just shows how impolite and disrespectful we are becoming as a people.

I have a hard time imagining any reason anyone would even want to see it. Do they just want to get a few laughs at the expense of others? I guess everyone's so used to rudeness and vulgarity that they overlook all that for a few laughs...

I saw that feminist article one when I saw the Otterson one, but still haven't read the fem. one yet! I will, though.

Emily said...

Sorry, I'm still thinking about this post.

Just to clarify -- it wasn't my daughter who made the comment, but the daughter of the lady at LAF/Beautiful Womanhood who wrote that article.

Also in regards to Pres. Monson's quote and applying that to "vulgarity, blasphemy, sexuality, discrimination for immodesty," absolutely.

We saw a H.S. production of a very well respected musical recently. It was really fantastic, but some of the songs were very crude, vulgar, and inappropriate. If you don't mind those things, you'd love the musical. I did mind those things and commented about it on facebook as a slight warning to those who might feel as I did. Many people appreciated the comment, but some were rather offended that I would censor free speech. So yes, I guess people should have the right to make and participate in productions like these, but doesn't it just lessen our "community standards" when we support it? One slippery, decadent road.

Amanda said...

"I liked it except for that one part"

Now that is a statement that brings to mind the scripture
"And others will he (Satan)pacify, and lull them away into carnal security, that they will say: All is well in Zion; yea, Zion prospereth, all is well-and thus the devil cheateth their souls, and leadeth them away CAREFULLY down to hell."

Strong Man said...

I loved this example! How inspiring--both spiritually and economically.

We all send messages and communicate things about our values by the way we dress. It's another way of saying who we are and what is most important to us.
I've written about this in The Truth about Men and Modesty